Bounding Forward Into 2019

By Reverend Paul N. Papas II

December 31, 2018



As we bound into 2019, delving into situations, let me remind you that there is nothing new under the sun. Sometimes it might seem as though we have heard every excuse before; then comes another one.

Everything that happened before, a minute, an hour or years ago, is history. No matter how much we’d like to change history we can not. We certainly can and should learn from history and not repeat past mistakes.

It has been said that every trial that does not kill you makes you stronger. Although it may not seem like it at the time, I would say that is generally true.

Just because we have not done something before it does not mean we can’t.  Yes, experience is a good teacher. If we only relied upon what we have already done, then we are not growing. If we only relied upon what we have already done, then we’d never invent anything, never discover cures for illnesses, and never find a better way to do things. The American entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well, bounding forward.

There will always people around you to tell you how or why you can’t do something.  You can choose to listen to the naysayers in stay stuck in neutral or bound forward after carefully considering various options.

Let’s look at the upcoming 2019 version of Congress.

It has become a big tent circus with the donkeys loudly braying over the sleepy elephants.

Break out of the act now by refusing to be their captive audience.  Do to bully politicians what they do to you.  Ignore them as much as possible and ignore the mainstream and social media which make their circus performance possible. Stop giving them what they want most which is your undivided attention.  Deprive them of a 24-7 audience and ingnore their rhetoric and broken promises.

Their entire world revolves around the hatred of anyone that they can not control, hatred of Christians, conservatives and on and on.

Unfortunately the bully politicians are trying to gaslight the majority into believing that the majority must be delusional or perhaps insane, and should be controlled by a psychiatrist and be on  medication.  Your resistance and standing up to the bullies just might be the key to your sanity.

Your world is your family, community, church and trying to keep a roof over your head in increasingly trying circumstances.

Don’t stake your future on feckless, self-serving politicians.  Stake it on doing the best for your family and in these tumultuous times, keeping it together.

As far as hopes for better days in 2019, hope for the best, and plan for the worst.

Going into 2019, don’t just talk about it, bound forward and live it!

Believe in God Almighty and put Him, your family and country first.

Go bravely into 2019.

There’s nothing new about it, because 2019 will be a repeat of 2018, but this time you at least know what to expect and be ready to handle it and bound forward.



Reverend Paul N. Papas II is a Pastoral Counselor with Narrow Path Ministries (MA and AZ) and Founder of the Family Renewal Center (AZ) and



2 Responses to Bounding Forward Into 2019

  1. Tuning out the political noise is real sanity-saving advice, thx! 🙂 💜 Jackie@KWH


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